Enjoy Many Amenities available at Norway Park
available to all members
Enjoy what Norway Park has to offer
Bekkestua (place by the creek)
With a complete kitchen, the Bekkestua is a wonderful setting for meals and gatherings. The Bekkestua has been used for watching football on the large flat screen TV. Board games and puzzles are also available. It’s also a great place for Kaffestua (coffee place)!
Our historical log cabin museum was constructed by volunteers, using fallen logs in the early days of Norway Park. The sod roof is representative of cabins in Norway. Wonderful memories originated from friends and neighbors gathering in this community building, often with a crackling wood fire in the fireplace. The warmth of friendship and a great bowl of soup, bread and cookies, with coffee for the first Saturday of the month “kaffestua” was traditional and not to be missed. Also, past activities included a library with a book exchange, along with small group meetings. We now are enjoying “hygge” (the Norwegian/Danish ritual of enjoying life’s simple pleasures with friends and neighbors) which is held on posted Friday evenings. The pleasure of your company is always welcome to a relaxed “get acquainted” gathering of “hygge.”
Stockholders may rent the pavilion for $150 per day with a $100 deposit. Lodge members may rent the pavilion for $300 per day with a $100 deposit. Rentals are per day not for the weekend. If the pavilion for the weekend (for weddings etc.), the renter is expected to pay for two days.
Salmon Spawning Stream
In August 2015, Norway Park undertook the restoration of our salmon spawning stream. Prior to this project our stream consisted of a narrow ditch leading from the culvert under State Route 9 to the lake. While salmon did manage to navigate this, it was not ideal for purposes of spawning. With the oversight of the Skagit Fisheries Enhancement 8 Group, the Department of Fish and Wildlife and Norway Park manpower, we removed impediments to the salmon and created a meandering shape to the stream to ensure that the spawn did not get washed back into the lake. Many trees and bushes have been planted on either side of the stream to help provide cover and shade for the fish as well as beautify the area. The spawning salmon usually arrive in November (with the rain) and range in size between 6-8 pounds. We have counted as many as 50, depending on the run. This project was approved by the shareholders.
Trollhaugen Recreation Area
For our members within Norway Park that might now know or have not heard of Trollhaugen, here is some information. The Trollhagen Recreation Area was built by volunteers in 1979. It is a beautiful place located off the Stampede Highway. It is a nice place to visit summer and winter with your family. A place you can camp out or rent a room within the lodge. You will have to make a reservation ahead, especially in the winter time when members like to go skiing. There is usually a Steak Fry fundraiser up there in the summer. Be sure to call for reservations ahead of time for the dinner. A lot of members drive up just for the day. For information on lodge features, area activities, procedures, policies and a price list, please go to www.trollhaugenspfn.com. Phone 509-656-9977 for reservations. Hope you can take a trip soon! Trollhaugen is run by District 2 of the Sons of Norway, and our lodge, Leif Erikson Lodge 2-001, is part of District 2.
Garden Plots
Our community organic garden (Gronnsakhagen) is located behind the caretaker’s house. It consists of fifteen raised beds, a small orchard and berry bushes. Individual gardeners contribute to the planting and maintenance. Beds are reserved on a first-come – first served basis and many are shared. June features our popular Garden Blessing, an event enjoyed by many “friends of the garden” and guests. For more information contact Mary Fraser, 360-399-1181, Lot 77
For the adventurous, athletic walkers, there is the steep trail paralleling the clear-cut section north of the Park as well as the hike up to the water tower. Less challenging is the beautiful nature trail along Nidelven Creek and the old railroad trail in the lower park.
Please forward any comments or questions to the Outreach Committee:
Mary Fraser (360) 399-1181 email: Mfraser360@gmail.com
Janet Lobban (425) 345-2475 email: Janetlobban@hotmail.com
Synthia Tennyson (360) 707-8303 email: S.tennysonNP@gmail.com
22128 State Route 9 Lot 220 Mount Vernon, WA 98274 (Pavilion: 24020 Pavilion Drive)
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